Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In Rememberence

November 4th 2008 - Corey and I had Brody's first ultrasound. Moments before we went in, we found found out that my grandfather had passed. It was a very bittersweet day.
My Grandpa was a very funny man, who kept us all laughing until the very end of his battle with Alzheimer's.
I am not going to re-write an old blog entry, but we think Grandpa is Brody's Guardian angel. I have written it before, here:

First ultrasound on the 4th - Brody is looking great
Grandpa passed away on the 4th
Brody was born on June 4th a month early and toughed through everything with strength, our little fighter! Coincidence?


Shannon said...

I remember your post about your grandpa's passing- Im saying a prayer for you and your family today (((hugs)))

brokentears said...

he's absolutely precious!! Congratulations! Hold him tight!

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